Buffalo Wire Works Receives Pride in Partnership Award

Buffalo Wire Works Receives Pride in Partnership Award

May 10th, 2016 by

Buffalo Wire Works is pleased to announce its Pride in Partnership award with Lincoln College of Technology in Denver, Colorado.  As part of Buffalo Wire Works’ acquisition of Rock Polymers Inc., the company has been actively involved with the Denver community.  Buffalo Wire Works has made it a point to get more involved in the communities surrounding their new plant in Rollinsville; attending job fairs, educating the local towns and cities of their manufacturing facilities, and most importantly hiring from the local communities.

Recently, Buffalo Wire Works joined up with Lincoln College of Technology to hire their recent graduates to work at Rock Polymers.  Buffalo Wire Works was able to hire several graduates and was nominated by Lincoln Tech for their Pride in Partnership award.  Buffalo Wire Works won the award for demonstrating the highest praise for Lincoln Tech’s campus, their program of instruction, and their high caliber students.